Day 2 in Moscow began with breakfast which is quite
yummy. The chef will make you an omelet anyway you like and there is a buffet of
bagels, pastries, toast, jams, sausages and of course, bacon. It is also possible to order pancakes, French
toast and eggs Benedict. After
breakfast, I unpacked and organized our stateroom – when living in a small
space for two weeks, it is important to have, as my dad used to say, “a place
for everything and everything in its place”…lol
The weather here is a comfortable 74* however not always
sunny and it can rain most afternoons.
So I packed a bag with rainwear and we headed to the bus to explore
Moscow. There were 2 options for tours –
one that involved 5 miles of walking and one that did not. Guess which one we picked? Lol!
We were unable to get the front seat but the bus has a rear door too, so
we sat in the first seat by that door.
The view is much better and I don’t feel so confined by other seats. Again we traveled into the city center and
again the 35 mile drive turned into 11/2 hours.
The guide mentioned points of interest
along the way such as cathedrals,
museums, and hotels where famous people slept…
She pointed out the glimpse of the Red Square and the Kremlin as we
passed by but said we would be back later to walk around. When we finally got off the bus at our first stop,
I was ready to walk around a bit. This
was a “convenience” stop (read potty break) and it was free but the guide
neglected to tell folks that you needed to collect toilet paper outside the
stall – needless to say, the ladies spread that tidbit out so I knew to get “the
important papers” ahead of time. Oh and
did I mention it was about 20 steps down to the bathroom? Moscow is big on stairs – especially to
access bathrooms… so you better have to
Our stop included a short walk around New Virgins
Nunnery. It is a lovely compound and
also a pokestop… It was still sunny and
nice outside so an enjoyable stroll.
Viking Cruise Lines use the personal listening device so your guide is
always speaking in your ear, telling you bits of information, propaganda and droning
on – or you can choose not to wear one, like me, and just enjoy the scenery…lol
The Nunnery
Our next stop was the highest point in Moscow and a
viewing spot. Unfortunately the clouds
had rolled in and the skies were gray so the view was ok but not for
photos. Also the sights did not include
any famous landmarks like the viewpoint in Rome, so it was kind of
uninteresting – but there were Pokémon about so all was not lost…ha!
Our next destination was an adventure on the Metro. Moscow’s subway system is one of the oldest
in the world and the underground terrain is a design wonder. From art deco to Greek columns to bronze
statues, it was very interesting. B and
I think this was one of the longest underground escalators we have ever ridden. It was 330 feet down before we finally
stepped off into the tunnel to the train.

Finally, we were headed to the Red Square but when we emerged from
underground it was quite dark out as rain was imminent. Folks are listening to her lecture and I am
following around totally impressed with the sights, taking photos and catching Pokémon. Then we get to the place to view the Kremlin
and it is totally blocked by stadium seating and construction – how disappointing… When I think of Moscow, it is the onion
shaped colored roofs and we never got close enough to get photos… But Red Square was amazing except our time
was short. When she cut us loose, we had
only a half an hour and it was 15 minutes back to the bus. She pointed in the direction of the Gum Department
store but we didn’t get to see it – it seems the 5 mile walking tour would have
been better after all…lol
Red Square
Leaving Red Square we headed off to a Russian Folklore
Concert… as it was pouring rain and we
were tired, we opted out of the concert.
We still got soaking wet as we had to walk about 300 yards to change
buses. We had to wait a bit for others
to show up and then start the 2 hour trip back to the ship because rain and
traffic make for triple congestion and double accidents.
A nice meal and beds awaited us upon our return. Food aboard the Viking is good but not
amazing. We had chicken Kiev which was
tasty but the creamed carrots and rice with peas was the star of the meal –
even B thought so, which for those that know, he is a meat and potatoes kinda
guy, so those veggies must have been damned good…lol
This concludes Day 2 - Do svidaniya!